Thursday, December 19, 2013


I know there are a lot of spouses out there who do not feel comfortable with their significant other working from home. And I know that I am completely blessed because my husband has been accepting with me working from home. It is amazing how everyday when I work my business I want so badly to impact somebodys life and I get done work and there's always people who I talk to who have impacted my life greatly. 
Such a blessing. I love my life. 
Thank you God!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


One thing that my husband has been doing since the day that we met, has been "surprising" me, yes- and it's not even my birthday. 
When we first started dating he surprised me with something every day, if it was a long text, or a letter, or a picture he drew.... the list goes on, when talking about the different things he surprised me with. 
We are married now and he still surprises me and no it's still not my birthday. He does it every so often and it really makes my day. 
I think that we need to keep "surprises" in our marriages, it keeps things interesting, something to look forward to and really proves that your spouse truly loves you, when they take the time to go out of their way and surprise you with something. It can be the smallest what you think is nothing surprise but its still a surprise.
Try to surprise your spouse, if that's a candle lit dinner, a romantic bubble bath, or bringing home their favorite chocolate bar. If we keep the surprise in marriage the excitement and anticipation will be their. This can create a beautiful thing. 
Try it, and see what it does for your marriage. 


Today remember the little reasons why you love your spouse.
Tell your spouse what you love about them.

Monday, December 16, 2013


Everyday you wake up beside your spouse is a new day, and I think that if we have the mentality that "we do not know our spouse" and by this I mean, we do not know them completely. 
I think that as we begin to grow with our spouse we begin to believe that we know absolutely everything about them, if we take a step back and believe that we do not know them entirely because realistically we do not, than that opens doors for growth. If we get to know our spouse every single day there are things we will learn about our spouse that we never knew before. 
If we keep getting to know our spouse the way we did when we first met them,
everyday we will be reminded about what it's like to fall again. 
Something a lot of married couples have forgotten about. 
Date your spouse, be boyfriend and girlfriend all over again, and get to know each other everyday. 
It's never too late to start doing this. 
It could change your marriage. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013


Something that all marriages must learn, #chooselove. 
In all circumstances we must choose to love, because a marriage is built on the foundation of love, for us our marriage is built on the foundation of God, and God is love. You don't just fall in love, nor do you fall out of love. You choose love. 
The moment you choose "anger or hate < love" is when things will begin to fall, and by fall.... I mean fall apart. 
We need to choose love<hate/anger. We need to become a people who prove that love can truly last and that marriage does not just end when someone calls it quits because we are a people who give up when the going get's tough. When we purchase a new cell phone and then something new comes out we are quick to replace it. When something get's to tough at school or work we quickly throw in the towel and give up. 
We need to become a people who do not give their marriage up because there's a newer model out there, or because it's been real tough and you know, it just might be easier. We are wrong in doing so. 
But until we choose love, until we sincerely choose to love. 
I'm afraid marriage will be a crippled term, and people will forget what it truly means, what it truly means to love. 
 I don't know your situation, and it might feel easier to just quit. But struggles are what creates a beautiful story. Keep pursuing. Choose love. & remember why you chose love in the beginning.